Cosmetic Dentist in Sycamore

Below are example cases of cosmetic solutions for our patients' various problems.  See related captions below the photos

A great result from an anterior esthetic case done at Bosma Dental where a patient recently lost lateral incisors and her centrals were too long. Patient was extremely happy with the final result and we are too!

A veneer case that not only addressed the esthetic challenges of wear but also the functional compromises. Patient was thrilled with the outcome!

A full mouth rehabilitation case done by Bosma Dental where the patient had wear, tooth drifting, mobility, repeated tooth fractures, and traumatic and imbalanced bite forces.  Rebuilding the bite has eliminated the problems and the patient is now stable.

Another case from Bosma Dental where a patient had his entire dentition restored and his esthetics dramatically improved! 

A multi-disciplinary case where the patient underwent orthodontics to align the teeth and Bosma Dental replaced the two upper front teeth with veneers. 

A veneer case where Bosma Dental replaced the two upper front teeth to close a diastema. Patient was so happy with the result!

A veneer case where Bosma Dental replaced the two upper front teeth to close a diastema and also repair a tooth that was chipped. Patient was very pleased with the outcome!

One of Bosma Dental's cases restoring severe wear, missing teeth, mismatched dental work and tetracycline staining.  This patient was restored using a combination of porcelain esthetic crowns, bridges and veneers.

A dramatic smile makeover done at Bosma Dental.  This case was done with dental crowns and as well as implant crowns.

A case from Bosma Dental where the patient did not like the stained, worn teeth and wanted a fresh new smile.  This case was done with crowns and veneers on the top eight teeth as well as some professional bleaching of the natural dentition.

An implant case where Bosma Dental replaced an old bridge that had failing teeth with and implant bridge.